Forensic Engineering and Expert Witness Services


Mechanical. Materials. Manufacturing. Oil & Gas.

Service Areas

  • Mechanical Engineering - Design, Stress Analysis, Complex Systems

  • Materials Engineering - Microstructure, Materials Selection, Thermal Degradation, Microstructure, Fracture Surface Morphology, Corrosion

  • Manufacturing Engineering - Process Design and Optimization, Design of Experiments, Applied Statistics

  • Oil & Gas Inspection and Failure Analysis


  • Multidisciplinary Failure Analysis and Root Cause Determination

  • Document Reviews

  • On-site inspections

  • Application of the Safety Hierarchy

  • Job Safey Analysis (JSA) Review

  • Cause and Effect Analysis and Articulation

  • Commercial Litigation Support

  • Workplace Injuries

  • Forensic Report Writing

  • Planning Discovery and Interrogatory Questions

  • Teaching - making complex technical issues understandable to lay people through practical examples including physical demonstratives and analogies that connect to commonly understood phenomena that are similar to the technical issues in the case.

Recent Activities

  • Workplace bungee cord injury

  • Failure analysis of a structural medical device

  • Failure analysis of a down-hole drill bit failure in commercial litigation.

  • Tipping analysis of an ATV (golf cart)

  • A physical slip and fall that occurred while participating in a virtual reality system

  • Analysis of an oil field injury due to energy release from a decommissioned system

Call or email to discuss your case and how I can potentially help you.